How can I edit my Kroger Feedback survey response after submission?

How can I edit my Kroger Feedback survey response after submission?

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Kroger, one of the largest supermarket chains in the United States, emphasizes customer satisfaction by providing a platform for feedback through its Kroger Feedback Survey. The survey, accessible via, allows customers to voice their opinions about their shopping experience. In return, Kroger offers incentives like fuel points, coupons, and sweepstakes entries, making it an attractive proposition for frequent shoppers.

However, a common issue many users face is how to modify or edit their survey responses after submission. Unfortunately, as of the latest updates to Kroger’s feedback system, there is no direct way to edit your responses once they’ve been submitted. Nonetheless, there are ways to handle incorrect submissions, provide further feedback, or resolve issues if you feel that your responses do not accurately reflect your experience. This article will guide you through these alternatives and explain the feedback survey process, ensuring you get the most out of the Kroger Feedback platform.

Overview of the Kroger Feedback Survey

Before diving into the solutions for editing responses, it’s essential to understand the process of participating in the Kroger Feedback Survey. The survey is designed to collect genuine feedback from customers about their shopping experiences. It covers a range of questions, from customer service and product quality to store cleanliness and employee helpfulness.

Steps to Participate in the Kroger Feedback Survey:

  1. Purchase and Receipt: To begin the survey, you must make a purchase at a Kroger store and keep the receipt. The receipt contains important information, including a unique survey invitation code that you will need to enter when accessing the feedback platform.

  2. Visit Once you have the receipt, head to the Kroger Feedback website. Ensure that you are visiting the correct official site as there may be phishing sites that look similar.

  3. Enter Details: You will need to input certain information from the receipt, such as the date and time of your visit, along with the survey invitation code.

  4. Answer the Survey Questions: The survey will prompt you with a series of questions about your experience. These include questions about the availability of products, the cleanliness of the store, how helpful and polite the employees were, and the overall quality of your experience.

  5. Submit: After answering all the questions, you will be asked to submit your responses. Once submitted, the system will typically provide you with a confirmation code or direct you to an entry form for sweepstakes.

Can You Edit Your Kroger Feedback Survey After Submission?

Once you have submitted your feedback, it is automatically entered into Kroger's system for analysis. Unfortunately, there is no built-in option on the website to edit or modify your responses after submission. This is largely due to the way customer feedback systems are designed; they prioritize quick and direct data collection.

Since the system does not store survey responses in a way that allows for post-submission editing, the inability to modify answers serves the purpose of ensuring that all feedback is genuine and not repeatedly altered. However, if you realize after submission that your responses were incorrect or incomplete, there are still a few alternatives you can explore to make sure your concerns are heard.

Alternatives to Editing Kroger Feedback Survey Responses

1. Contact Kroger Customer Service Directly

If you made a mistake on the survey or feel the need to provide additional feedback, the most straightforward solution is to contact Kroger’s customer service team. You can explain your situation, provide additional comments, or clarify any incorrect responses. Although customer service cannot directly modify your survey submission, they can record your concerns and forward them to the appropriate department.

To contact Kroger customer service:

  • Visit the Kroger contact page on their official website.

  • Use the phone number provided for customer support or access the live chat function.

  • Alternatively, you can also send an email detailing your issue or concern. Make sure to include relevant information like your survey participation details, the store number, and receipt information for quick reference.

This method may not directly change the survey submission, but it ensures your updated feedback is heard and considered by the company.

2. Submit a New Survey (With a New Receipt)

Another way to provide additional feedback or correct an error is by submitting a new survey using a different receipt. While this may not seem as ideal as editing an existing response, submitting a new survey gives you the chance to clarify any previous mistakes.

Keep in mind that you can only submit one survey per receipt, so you’ll need a fresh receipt from another transaction to start a new feedback survey. This approach might not be the best option if you don’t plan on shopping again soon, but it is useful for customers who shop frequently at Kroger and accumulate multiple receipts.

3. Leave Feedback via Kroger's Social Media Channels

Social media has become an essential platform for customer service interactions. If you’re unable to edit your feedback on, you might consider leaving your comments on Kroger’s social media channels.

Kroger has official accounts on various platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can send them a direct message, mention them in a post, or comment on their content to share your experience. While this won’t change your original feedback survey submission, it can provide a public forum for addressing issues or clarifying your feedback.

Make sure to remain polite and professional when communicating through social media, as these are public platforms, and your comments can be seen by other users.

4. Call the Specific Store You Visited

If your feedback is specific to one Kroger location, you may want to call the store directly and speak to a manager or customer service representative. Explain that you have already submitted a feedback survey but would like to clarify or correct certain points.

Store managers value direct customer interactions and will likely take your concerns seriously. This method can also provide a more personal touch, allowing you to address specific staff or issues directly with the people responsible for that particular store.

5. Write to Kroger's Corporate Office

If your concern is significant or relates to a more general issue across multiple stores, writing to Kroger’s corporate office may be an appropriate solution. In your letter or email, include the following details:

  • Your original feedback survey submission information (receipt number, store number, date, and time of visit)

  • A clear explanation of the correction or additional feedback you would like to provide

  • Your contact information for follow-up if necessary

This approach is particularly useful for addressing larger concerns that may require corporate attention.

6. Wait for a Follow-Up Opportunity

In some cases, companies like Kroger may reach out to customers after they submit feedback to ask for more details or clarification. This follow-up could come via email or phone. If you receive a follow-up inquiry from Kroger, take the opportunity to correct any inaccuracies or provide additional comments.

While this option isn’t guaranteed, it’s a possibility that can allow you to clarify or expand on your initial responses.

Tips for Ensuring Accurate Survey Responses

To avoid the need for editing or correcting your Kroger Feedback Survey response in the future, consider the following tips for ensuring that your survey submission is accurate the first time:

  1. Take Your Time: The survey is designed to be quick, but rushing through the questions can lead to errors. Take your time to read each question carefully and consider your response before moving to the next one.

  2. Be Honest: The purpose of the survey is to gather genuine feedback. Providing honest answers helps Kroger improve its services and products. Don’t hesitate to mention both the positive and negative aspects of your experience.

  3. Keep Notes: If you want to be thorough, jot down any key points about your shopping experience while you’re in the store or immediately after leaving. This will help you remember specific details when you fill out the survey later.

  4. Double-Check Your Answers: Before submitting the survey, go back and review your answers. Most survey platforms, including Kroger’s, allow you to navigate back through the survey before final submission.


Although Kroger does not provide a way to edit your feedback survey response once it’s submitted, there are several alternatives for ensuring your concerns are properly addressed. Whether it’s contacting customer service, submitting a new survey, or leaving feedback on social media, Kroger offers multiple avenues to ensure your voice is heard. The key to providing valuable feedback is to be honest, thoughtful, and detailed in your survey responses.

By following the tips mentioned, you can avoid the need for edits and ensure that your feedback helps Kroger continue improving its customer experience.

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